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Who is MAMIC?

The Maryland Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC) is an education and advocacy trade association and is comprised of mutual insurance companies that write insurance business in the State of Maryland. The mission of MAMIC is multifaceted, but generally is to promote and protect the principles of mutuality and cooperation upon which the member companies are founded and to do any and all things that may be of service and benefit to mutual insurance generally, including the policyholders they serve.

Business Handshake


Our value is YOU

What makes MAMIC member companies unique is that they are all “mutual insurance” companies. Mutual insurance is a type of insurance company having no shareholders. MAMIC companies are not publicly traded. Instead, the companies are owned by their respective policyholders. Unlike stock companies, mutual insurance companies serve their policyholders, not investors. Mutual insurance is a resilient fiber of the insurance industry, which originated in England in 1696. Many of the member companies of Maryland are some of the oldest in the nation with one such company having been founded in 1794. The stability and security of mutual insurance is uncontroverted.

City Skyline


Maryland Association of Mutual Insurance Companies member companies serve policyholders and their unique insurance needs, some of them for more than 200 years.  Click any logo to go directly to their website or the "Learn More" button below for a general listing.

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For more than 120 years NAMIC has been serving in the best interests of mutual insurance companies – large and small – across the United States as well as in Canada. NAMIC membership includes more than 1,400 member companies. The association supports regional and local mutual insurance companies on main streets across America along with many of the country’s largest national insurers.

NAMIC is a member of MAMIC and helps to promote mutuality and its protection for the benefit of its policyholders at the state and federal level.



Jeane Peters


Mutual Benefit Group


Mary Harlee


Baltimore Equitable


MAMIC is represented by the law office of Bryson F. Popham, P.A.

191 Main Street, #310
Annapolis, MD 21401

(410) 268-6871

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