Experienced Team, Clear Message
MAMIC is represented by The Law Office of Bryson F. Popham P.A., located in downtown Annapolis, Maryland.

A primary focus for the Maryland Association of Mutual Insurance Companies is our advocacy on behalf of members and policyholders. Each year, the Maryland General Assembly considers approximately 2,500 new legislative initiatives – bills – each of which must be addressed during the 90-day legislative session that begins on the 2nd Wednesday of January. Insurance issues are always a high priority for Maryland legislators. MAMIC considers each of the bills that may affect its members’ interests and discusses them thoroughly with our professional lobbying team. We take positions on a portion of those bills that are deemed important to our members. This means that we may testify before legislative committees hearing the bills, we may communicate with legislators either electronically or in writing, we may meet with individual legislators during an annual lobby day in Annapolis that MAMIC conducts, and we direct our lobbyists to reinforce the MAMIC message with legislators.
The MAMIC advocacy message is delivered from a unique MAMIC perspective: that of a mutual insurance company owned by its policyholders rather than stockholders. In addition, several MAMIC members are Maryland-domestic insurers. They bring the additional perspective of Maryland employers with Maryland facilities to the overall MAMIC message – often an important additional influence on local legislators.
Membership Events
Weekly calls during the legislative session
Meet with state legislators during our Annual Maryland Legislative Day
Meet with federal legislators during our Washington DC Legislative Day
Annual meeting with the Maryland Insurance Commissioner and staff
​Summary of the legislative session
Quarterly Member Meetings
Participation in the Mid-Atlantic Mutual Advantage Convention